By Rob Thomas

Linkedln social selling has changed the way businesses engage and interact with customers. With almost 370 million professionals, LinkedIn is an ideal platform for sales reps to engage prospective customers. Conversion rate via LinkedIn is 10 times greater than traditional forms of promotions because connections are based on a built-in level of trust.

Make Sure To Share the Right Content

To get thousands of views on your LinkedIn content within a short period, make sure to share the right content. Anything you share, irrespective of who created it, represents your brand. If your audience begins associating your brand with low quality contents, they will unfollow it, which is the opposite of what you are trying to achieve.

The major elements of creating and sharing great content on LinkedIn include:

  • Have a catchy title.
  • Use attractive photos.
  • Create brief and engaging content.
  • Use the right keywords.
  • Share new content regularly.

Bottom Line

LinkedIn is a social network, so anything you share will be amplified. Sharing quality content is one of the best ways to build trust and become a market leader in your field. Whether you are a novice or an expert sales rep, building a huge fan base and generating more shares and “likes” can be a daunting task, but it is not as daunting if you have a good strategy and the right people to help you. With a little effort, you can boost your presence on LinkedIn.

Are you interested in social selling techniques and strategies to enhance your reputation and help your prospect for new leads? offers a range of instructor training, social selling workshops and consulting services which can be customised for your business. Contact us for more information today.