As a digital marketer, you need to make sure your clients are seen as thought leaders online. A huge part of this is creating content, but getting content from your clients can be a particular pain-point for many digital marketers.
The problem with content marketing is that most businesses don’t have dedicated writers. They might have thought leaders, innovative products and great case studies, but turning this information into sharable blog posts can take weeks and months. One way to eliminate this problem is by outsourcing the copywriting needs for your client.
When you outsource content writing, you’re able to create briefs and get content written in no time at all. There are, however, certain drawbacks you need to be made aware of before you decide whether this is a good idea for your client’s marketing strategy. Outsourcing content writing means you need to find a copywriter who is experienced in your client’s field or industry. If your client is a law firm, then you need to make sure the person who is writing the content has a bit of experience writing for lawyers.
Secondly, you need a solid approval process in place. When someone else is creating the content for your client, you can present this with blogs, articles, whitepapers and social media updates, but it’s crucial they are aware of the content that is being distributed on behalf of their brand.
Find out if outsourced content marketing will work for your client’s internet marketing strategy by contacting Unibit Solutions today.