Internet marketing solutions means different things to different people. For a business owner, this could mean anything from hosting a website to managing social media accounts. As an  internet marketing consultant, you may be wondering if it’s worth your while to outsource the execution of your strategies to a white collar internet marketing company.

Some of the concerns with sub-contracting to an internet marketing company include:

  • Not being in full control of everything that gets posted online on behalf of you or your client
  • Having to quality check everything (which is basically 50% of the work)
  • Not knowing who will be communicating with your client on behalf of you (or if that’s even something you would want)
  • Paying too much and cutting in on your profit margins

At Unibit Solutions, we offer a one-stop service for internet marketing consultants. We understand the challenges you face, namely needing to focus on building client relationships and making sure everything gets executed according to the internet marketing goals you’ve established with your client.

We do everything from website designs to social media marketing, content marketing and online community management. When it comes to executing plans, we can also do everything from creating blogging and social media calendars to reporting on your clients’ SEO goals and progress. What makes us unique is the fact that we do everything in-house and we make sure we’ve got sign-off for every blog topic, keyword and tweet that gets posted, ensuring you have peace of mind when it comes to facilitating progress meetings with your client.

To find out more about the internet marketing solutions we offer, contact us today.