Traditional, sales heavy adverts are nowhere near as engaging as quality, shareable and free content. The Content Marketing Institute found that over 200 million people use adblockers. Why? Users do not want their lives littered with intrusive adverts. However, these same users will be drawn to content they find valuable, which in turn results in more clicks, more attention and ultimately more people hitting that ‘buy’ button.

But what advantages does your business gain from giving away quality content for free?

  • Public Relations: The more a business does outside the confines of their respective product or service, the more attention it will garner from the media. Public Relations experts will have much more to run with if your brand positions itself as a thought leader in the field. Quality content is also an effective form of Social Media Marketing as clever videos and pictures get viewed on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter hundreds of thousands of times.
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO):  At Unibit Solutions, everything we do, from creating blogs to creating web pages, follows the latest search engine standards while remaining a good read for the audience. A content marketing campaign that can be shared across multiple channels brings your brand to a larger audience, simultaneously increasing your online presence and searchability.
  • Credibility: Credibility is the key to building confidence in your brand’s quality. Would you take someone on a date to the fifth-best restaurant and order the third-best steak? Creating free quality content showcases your expertise and sets your brand up as the ‘go-to’ in this specialty.

The reluctance to give away quality content for free is understandable, but the assets gained from PR relations, search engine traffic and credibility cannot be discounted. In viewing your brand as publisher instead of strictly a sales brand, you can provide free creative and highly shareable content that will keep the attention of your audience far longer than the pushy “BUY NOW” ads of old.

For more information, contact us now!