It’s not uncommon for digital marketing agency owners to work 100-hour weeks, sacrifice relationships and get caught replying to emails in the wee hours of the morning or sneaking off during a holiday with family to work. However, it doesn’t have to be this way.
Finding enough time for your work and yourself is a huge challenge for small business owners. In fact, lots of owners worry if their revenue goes up, their downtime goes down. Here are some tips on how to get your work-life balance right:
• Identify Time-Wasting
First, track how you spend your time at work. Understanding this makes it easier to spot and eliminate time-wasting. For example, you may spend more time on emails and catching up on social media than you think. Not all emails need immediate answers. To work efficiently, schedule times to look at emails at work and maybe avoid checking them at night.
• Identify Your Priorities
Next, identify the most important tasks you need to do for your business and make them your priority. Think about how technology could help you. It doesn’t need to cost a fortune. Accounting software can automate daily accounts and a website can be your 24-hour a day shop window, sales team and help desk. If you’re still too busy trying to do everything, it might be time to find an extra pair of hands.
• Hire the Right People
Hiring the right person at the right time can boost productivity and free your time up. Before you hire staff though, do your sums and make sure you hire the best.
• Outsource to a White-Collar Digital Marketing Solutions Provider
As a digital marketing agency owner, you don’t have to do everything yourself or hire full-time staff for every service that you want to offer clients. Free up your time so that you can focus on growing your business, and allow a competent, carefully chosen white-collar digital marketing solutions provider to handle everything from online marketing strategies to PPC campaigns for you.
Unibit Solutions offers everything from SEO and copywriting to web design and development. Contact us for more information today.