Many corporate social media accounts start out in a haphazard way. A forward thinking employee starts tweeting, or a marketing manager creates a Facebook page to promote specials and before you know it, you’ve got a social brand which customers and clients are engaging with.
Whether you’ve got a small following or thousands of fans and followers on social media, you need to develop a social media policy so that employees know how they should conduct themselves online. If people are representing your brand and communicating with clients, there should be guidelines for them to follow and refer to during sticky situations.
The most basic steps involved in creating a social media policy are as follows:
1: Choose your social networks
2: Fill out your profiles completely
3: Find your voice and tone
4: Pick your posting strategy
5: Analyse and test
6: Automate and engage
After you’ve created this basic plan, you can get more detail oriented and address the larger issues such as crisis communication, customer service and how to respond to complaints and queries online.
Remember your social media channels are just an extension of your business. As with any other department in the company, you need to choose people to remain in charge of the profiles and provide feedback.
A social media policy will give you and your employees the guidelines you need to successfully implement a social media marketing strategy. If you need help creating this document, then contact Unibit Solutions today.