Customer service is the one thing that any digital marketing agency needs to continually invest in. Whether you’re servicing a number of small clients or only a handful of people, you need to make sure they are having a good experience. Here are a few things that your digital marketing agency can do to improve customer service:

Make it easy to get hold of you

It’s understandable that you don’t want to give out everyone’s cell phone numbers (especially if you’re often in meetings and can’t give on-the-spot feedback about campaign results and progress). This doesn’t mean that your clients should have to wait for days to get a response from you. Make email correspondence a priority and connect with them on Skype so that you can chat when they want to reach out.

Create a frequently asked questions page

You may come to notice that many new clients ask the same questions regarding PPC campaign progress, what types of monthly feedback and reports they can expect from you or how long it will take for them to gain a following on social media channels. Instead of repeating the same questions over and over, create a frequently asked questions page on your website so that they can empower themselves.

Help educate your clients

While some clients will want to handover all of the responsibility and reporting of digital marketing campaigns, others want to understand how blog posting, link building or other aspects of their digital campaigns work. Create downloadable white papers and informative articles to teach them more about digital marketing.

Need help with your digital marketing strategy? Then contact Unibit Solutions today.