As a digital marketer, you need to constantly stay up to date with the latest trends and information about internet marketing. Few things are as embarrassing as a client asking you about the latest technology, social media platform or Google algorithm update and you having to stumble for an answer because you haven’t really heard about it yet. Here are a few ways that you can keep up with the new trends in the world of digital marketing:

Trade publications

There are a few dedicated publications that constantly give the latest tech and digital marketing news. Some good ones to follow are Mashable, EConsultancy and Marketing Week.

Enroll in training

A good idea is to get a social media or internet marketing company to provide monthly training at your offices. If you can’t commit to reading material each week, then this is a great way to keep you and your team in the loop of the latest trends. Personal training is also a good way to learn because the personal interaction and practical examples can help you really understand new concepts.

Webinars and online training

Sign up for webinars and digital marketing training online. Many digital marketing experts host free training. Even if it costs a bit of money, these courses often provide valuable content and expert insights.

Follow experts on Twitter and LinkedIn

Digital marketing experts undoubtedly have a large online presence and following. Start researching who is sharing important content and join their LinkedIn groups and follow them on Twitter.

Need help with your digital marketing strategy? Then contact Unibit Solutions today.